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In the Press
Celebrate IT! Ceremony on May 10, 2023
On May 10, 2023, we celebrated the 20-year anniversary of the HGI and the foundation of the Faculty of Computer Science at Ruhr University Bochum.
Speakers include Mona Neubaur, Deputy Minister-President of North Rhine-Westphalia, Minister for Economics, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy, and the investigative journalist Svea Eckert (NDR/Tagesschau).
CASA Distinguished Lectures
In our CASA Distinguished Lectures, we welcome selected international and national scientists at the HGI. The lectures of these influential and pioneering guest speakers, usually lasting one hour, are always followed by a discussion with the participants. Our goal is to encourage discussions and open up new perspectives within the field of cybersecurity research.
We have enjoyed tremendous success over the past ten years in organising the ITS.Connect careers fair, the only Germany-wide event that connects attractive employers with highly qualified IT security graduates. In addition to providing an opportunity for personal exchange amongst companies, public authorities, other organisations and students, the ITS.Connect offers visitors a multifaceted programme of events focused on finding jobs in the industry and career development and planning. The ITS.Connect has grown steadily since its first year in 2008.
Backgrounds for video conferences
Video conferencing has become part of everyday work, also at our institute. Our HGI backgrounds can be integrated into many video conferencing tools.
You are welcome to download our logo here if you want to report about the HGI. For further graphical material please contact us at hgi-presse(at)rub.de
Gendersensible Sprache
The HGI attaches great importance to equal opportunites. Outstanding science can only arise in an open culture and a way of thinking that goes beyond the boundaries of gender assignments. This is not only expressed in funding measures and collegial cooperation, but also in the way we communicate.
Within the HGI we have thus agreed on various linguistic techniques to enable gender-sensitive communication.
The Genderstar
To express the diversity of the sexes in language use, we use the so-called "gender star". This asterisk is located between the (german) feminine and masculine gender of the word. It is a symbolic placeholder for diverse and open gender.
Sometimes, however, we use explicit gender attributes, for example when it comes to the concrete fundings of women. We always imply in these cases everyone who consider themselves belonging to that gender, regardless of their biological sex.
In some places, we mark this with a standard formulation among our contributions.
- “In case of using gender-assigning attributes we include all those who consider themselves in this gender regardless of their own biological sex.”
- In other places we use a "consecutive gender star" ( eg in female*researchers), where the asterisk refers to all those considering themselves belonging to that gender.