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Yuval Yarom is awarded the 10. German IT Security Award

The Professor of Computer Security convinced the jury with his project ‘CryptOpt: Verified and High-Performance Cryptographic Code’.

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The Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security – Interdisciplinary, Innovative & International

The Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security (HGI), Research Department of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB), is one of the largest and most renowned institutes in the field of IT security in Europe.

More than 160 scientists, 39 of them professors, conduct research at our institute in their working groups within the fields of computer science, electrical engineering and information technology and mathematics as well as the humanities and social sciences. In this interdisciplinary environment, almost all aspects of IT security are covered.

Our success is based on the three pillars Research, Early career and Networking.

Since 2019, the Cluster of Excellence "CASA: Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries" has been established at the HGI. It is the only German cluster of excellence in the field of IT security. CASA is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) with about 30 million Euros. Further information can be found on the CASA homepage.

Several RUB faculties are involved in the HGI, including the Faculty of Computer Science.

Insights into the HGI

Maria-Bianca Leonte (MPI-SP)

The third edition of the Creative.Minds workshop took place in Bochum this…

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Emma Bausen

The lecture is part of the 2025 annual theme "Security" at the House of…

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0 Professors
0 PhDs and Postdocs
0 ITS students at the RUB
0 Cluster of Excellence
08:18 / 00:00
Early Career

The HGI is the European leader in research on IT security and is particularly distinguished by its breadth of expertise. In addition to basic research in the field of cryptology, the HGI also covers the areas of software and hardware security, user-friendliness and other overarching socially relevant topics in its research.

The HGI has produced nine ERC Grantees and has attracted a large number of third-party funded projects, which have led to groundbreaking findings and innovations.


The Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB) pioneered the first German diploma course in IT security back in 2000.

Today, the RUB offers four IT security study programs: a consecutive Bachelor's and Master's program, a Master for students with a Bachelor degree in computer science, electrical engineering, information technology, mathematics or physics and a part-time distance learning program.

Around 1,000 students with 200 matriculations and 120 degrees per year make the RUB the largest educational institution for IT security in Europe.

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The HGI is closely networked with leading research institutions for IT security around the world. Close cooperation takes place with the newly founded Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy. The Ruhr Area is considered a hotspot for IT security in Germany – with the HGI as central nodal point.

Various cooperations and projects are underway with global companies such as Google, Intel, IBM and Bosch.

Numerous successful IT security startups have emerged from the HGI. Since 2018, the HGI startup incubator CUBE5 supports potential founders in the best possible way.


Some of our most significant honours include:

  • Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize: 2024
  • Sofja Kovalevskaja Award: 2010
  • IACR Fellowship: 2016
  • ERC Advanced Grant: 2016, 2021, 2022
  • ERC Consolidator Grant: 2013, 2021
  • ERC Starting Grant: 2016, 2018, 2022, 2023, 2024
  • DFG Heisenberg Professorship: 2015
  • DFG Heinz Maier Leibnitz Prize: 2011, 2023
  • DFG Emmy Noether Program: 2010, 2015. 2023

What others are saying about the HGI

The training is fantastic and totally unique in Europe. Anyone who studies here won’t be waiting long for a job offer afterwards. Or they’ll start a company of their own, like I did.

Dr.-Ing. Timo Kasper
Alumnus and co-founder of Kasper & Oswald GmbH

Ruhr-University Bochum is a one-of-a-kind place to study, with internationally renowned professors who collaborate closely with one another. As a student, you have access to a wide range of expertise.

Dr. David Rupprecht
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Cluster of Excellence CASA

For G DATA Software AG, the HGI is more than just a capable partner in the most critical areas of IT and data security. Its research is world-class, and the comprehensive education provides global leaders in the field.

Ralf Benzmüller
Executive Speaker G DATA SecurityLabs


Idea of founding a research institute
in the field of IT security at the


The first two chairs are founded with
Prof. Hans Dobbertin (Cryptographer, † 2006) and
Prof. Christof Paar (Embedded Security) as first
professors of the institute.


European Network of Excellence in Cryptography (ECRYPT).
Conference on Embedded Security in Cars (ESCAR)
Conference on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES).

Prof. Jörg Schwenk accepts a call as professor of the Chair of Network and Data Security.
Establishment of a junior professorship (headed by Prof. Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi).


Awarding the first diploma in the course of
studies "Security in Information Technology".
Foundation of the "Working Group Identity Protection on the Internet (a-i3)".


Prof. Alexander May accepts call
to the chair of cryptology and IT security.


Organization of the "International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques (EUROCRYPT)", the world's largest
cryptography conference.


Prof. Christof Paar nominated as IEEE Fellow
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).


Establishment of the Junior Professorship
for Information Security (headed by Prof.
Christina Pöpper). Four "CAST Sponsorship
Awards for IT Security" for theses and dissertations
by HGI students and doctoral candidates.


Prof. Eike Kiltz accepts call to the Chair of Cryptography.
Establishment of the junior professor for "Applied Cryptography"
(headed by Prof. Sebastian Faust). "ERC Starting Grant" for
Prof. Thorsten Holz, Prof. Gregor Leander receives a
DFG "Heisenberg-Professorship".


Establishment of the professorship for security technology (Prof. Tim Güneysu).
Participation in the Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS).
Establishment of research college "North Rhine-Westphalian Experts on Research in Digitalization" (NERD NRW).
HGI becomes Research Department of the RUB.


The DFG-funded Cluster of Excellence "CASA - Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries” is established at HGI.
The Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy is founded in Bochum.
Prof. Christof Paar is admitted as member to the Leopoldina.


Research college "SecHuman" on security in cyberspace starts its second funding phase.
Startup incubator Cube 5 receives funding for another three years.
The HGI becomes part of the newly founded Faculty of Computer Science.


Second CASA-Comic published
Funding for new Emmy Noether group headed by Dr. Pascal Sasdrich
Visit of the NRW Minister of Science Ina Brandes
M. Angela Sasse is a new member of the Leopoldina
ERC Advanced Grant for Gregor Leander
Ceremony on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the HGI and the foundation of the Faculty of Computer Science at RUB
Eike Kiltz selected as winner of the Leibniz Prize 2024
Pascal Sasdrich appointed to the Junge Kolleg NRW


Germany's first course in IT security for a
Dipl.-Ing. Degree in "Security in Information Technology"
is launched with an initial cohort of 30 students
at the Ruhr-University.


Foundation of the Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security.
The institute's name acknowledges the generous
donation made by the Horst Görtz Foundation, which
was invaluable in founding the new institute.
Name patron is Dr Horst Görtz, German entrepreneur
for IT security.


Start of the first master degree "IT Security".
First interdisciplinary expansion of the institute by
appointment of Prof. Georg Borges (Law) as HGI member.


HGI PhD student Thomas Dullien is awarded
with the first place in the German IT Security Award.
The student Timo Kasper receives the CAST prize
for best final thesis in the field of IT security.


Foundation of ITS.Connect,
the first job fair for IT security in Germany.


Prof. Eike Kiltz receives the Sofja Kovalevskaja Award.
Emmy Noether Group for Dr Christopher Wolf.
1st and 2nd place of the German IT Security Award for HGI members.
Foundation of the working groups "Secure Hardware" (Prof. Tim Güneysu)
and "Embedded Malware" (Prof. Thorsten Holz).


Launch of the research training group
"New challenges for cryptography in ubiquitous computer worlds" (Ubicrypt).
Prof. Thorsten Holz accepts call to the
chair of system security.


"ERC Consolidator Grant" of the European Research Council
for Prof. Eike Kiltz. Junior Professorship for Mobile Security
(headed by Prof. Markus Dürmuth).


Prof. Christof Paar receives "ERC Advanced Grant".
Establishment of the research college SecHuman at HGI.
Prof. Eike Kiltz receives fourth Best Paper Award at the EUROCRYPT.
First ITS Pitch for startups takes place.


New professorships: Prof. Angela Sasse (Chair Human-Centred Security),
Prof. Asja Fischer (Chair of Machine Learning),
Prof. Sascha Fahl (Usable Security and Privacy).
The BMBF-supported start-up incubator Cube5 is launched.


Prof. Gregor Leander receives Best Paper Award at the CRYPTO 20.
Intel's "Outstanding Researcher Award" goes to Prof. Thorsten Holz.
Numerous HGI members in the final of the NIST PQC standardization process.


Prof. Eike Kiltz receives ERC Advanced Grant
Prof. Thorsten Holz and Prof. Konrad Rieck receive ERC Consolidator Grants
ERC Starting Grant for Prof. Michael Walter
New working group SicherDigi launched
Realization of the Art-Science residency RE:SEARCHING IT-SECURITY
Minister of Culture and Science Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen visits HGI and CASA as part of her research trip "#Möglichmacher"
HGI researchers win global NIST standardization process on post-quantum cryptography
Founding meeting of the Bochumer Verein zur Förderung der IT-Sicherheit und Informatik e.V. (BITSI e.V.)
HGI Team Wins 1st Place in the 9th German IT Security Award


Eike Kiltz receives the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize 2024
Asja Fischer becomes new Lamarr Fellow
Best Paper Award for Lukas Stennes, Shahram Rasoolzadeh and Gregor Leander (FSE 2024)
Lorenzo Grassi is awarded an ERC Starting Grant
Two Distinguished Paper Awards for Yuval Yarom (CCS 2024)
10. German IT Security Award for Yuval Yarom
Two Distinguished Paper Awards for Flavio Toffalini (NDSS)