
Copyright: HGI, chinnarach

Videos now online: Prof. Christof Paar at the TEDxTalk in Bochum

At the innovation conference TEDx-Talks Prof. Christof Paar spoke about dealing with unknown threats in cyber security…


In May 2019 the popular innovation conference TEDx-Talks (Technology, Entertainment, Design) took place at the Ruhr-University. Among the 13 speakers was also Prof. Christof Paar from the HGI, who gave lectures on his field in front of more than 1000 spectators.

Prof. Paar from the Chair of Embedded Security spoke about dealing with unknown threats in cyber security.
For those who were not there, the videos are now available online.

Click here to see the lecture of Prof. Christof Paar.

For more information about the TEDx-Talks of the Ruhr-University, click here.

General note: In case of using gender-assigning attributes we include all those who consider themselves in this gender regardless of their own biological sex.


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