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Two IT Security Graduates Honoured for Their Final Thesis

They received 500 Euro in prize money from the cybersecurity company G Data. 

Akademische Feier Informatik

G Data CyberDefense honors two excellent graduates of IT security at the Ruhr-University Bochum. Copyright: G DATA

Graduates Alexandra Oppermann and Jens Alich were honoured by G Data for their Bachelor's theses during the annual academic celebration of the Faculty of Computer Science at the Ruhr University Bochum. They received prize money of €500 for their theses in the field of IT security. The academic annual celebration of the Faculty of Computer Science took place at the end of June and was held in the RUB Event Centre in person for the first time since the faculty was founded.

G Data is a renowned cybersecurity company based in Bochum. Once a year, G Data presents an award to the best graduates of the departments of computer science and IT security at Bochum University of Applied Sciences and Ruhr University Bochum.

Stefan Hausotte from G Data CyberDefense explains that GData places great importance on the promotion of young talents. "By supporting graduates in their final theses, whether Bachelor's, Master's or doctorate, we offer them the opportunity to have a smooth transition from education to everyday working life," says the press release.

General note: In case of using gender-assigning attributes we include all those who consider themselves in this gender regardless of their own biological sex.