
Copyright: HGI, chinnarach

Tim Güneysu Reappointed as HGI Spokesperson

His deputy is Gregor Leander.

Tim Güneysu and Gregor Leander

Tim Güneysu and Gregor Leander. Copyright: CASA

Tim Güneysu, Chair of Security Engineering, has been reappointed as spokesperson of the Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security, Research Department of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. His deputy remains Gregor Leander, from the Chair of Symmetric Cryptography. "I am happy to continue in this position," says Güneysu. As a spokesperson, he is responsible for the strategic direction of the institute and takes on the coordination of research projects in collaboration with the management. "Next year, the HGI will celebrate its 20th birthday. In this long time, IT security research in Bochum celebrated great successes. I am confident that many more lie ahead," says Güneysu.

Güneysu and Leander have been confirmed for a renewed term of two years. Senior members of the HGI at the RUB were entitled to vote.

Experienced team of researchers at the top

The Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security is part of the Faculty of Computer Science, where Tim Güneysu functions as Vice Dean for PR, Transfer, and Internationalization. Just like Gregor Leander, he researches as a PI in the Cluster of Excellence CASA "Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries". Both scientists have already received important awards for their research work. For example, Gregor Leander won a Best Paper Award at the prestigious "International Cryptology Conference 2020 (Crypto)". In addition to his work at the RUB, Tim Güneysu is involved in the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) - CPS. Thus, the HGI can count on experienced and internationally renowned scientists at its top.

General note: In case of using gender-assigning attributes we include all those who consider themselves in this gender regardless of their own biological sex.