
Copyright: HGI, chinnarach

No-Nonsense IT security for medium-sized companies

The founders of the Essen-based startup securious reveal how they make companies more secure and help them ward off cyber attacks...

The Business IT Security Check is the business model of the Essen-based startup securious. The founders Alex Zinelis and Dennis Tatang reveal in an interview how they make companies more secure and help them to ward off cyber-attacks.

What does "securious" actually do?
With the Business IT Security Check, securious offers a pragmatic and lean method to increase IT security in medium-sized companies efficiently and cost-effectively.
We proceed as follows:
1. The Business IT Security Check from securious determines and analyzes the IT security level in the company.
2. Individual measures are proposed that can improve IT security effectively and efficiently.
3. After the Business IT Security Check, we work together to implement the recommendations and measures to protect the company against cyber-attacks.

Where do you see improvement potential for your product?
We are currently working on the improvement of our external communication, because even the best product will only be known with difficulty without marketing.

Do your studies make you feel well prepared for starting your own business?
Through the bachelor's degree in IT security at the Ruhr University Bochum as well as other offers on the subject of entrepreneurship, the Ruhr University Bochum was able to provide us with a solid basis for our company foundation.

What do you expect from your participation in the Liftoff program?
Through the Liftoff program we are not only associated with very valuable contacts, but also learn a lot more about starting a business through the workshops.

What personal tip would you give to other founders in IT security?
Try to talk to as many people as possible about your plans. The exchange with IT security experts but also with founders from other industries helped us a lot with the concretization and improvement of our offers.

More information about the startup:

General note: In case of using gender-assigning attributes we include all those who consider themselves in this gender regardless of their own biological sex.