
Copyright: HGI, chinnarach

International workshop for female PhD students and outstanding students

From September 21-23, the Cluster of Excellence CASA will host the first international "Women in Security and Cryptography Workshop (WISC)".

Copyright: CASA

Female PhD students and outstanding female students in IT security and related fields are cordially invited to participate in the digital workshop.

Over the course of three days, the digital workshop will offer an exciting program of expert presentations and tutorials by senior and junior women from academia and industry, networking opportunities, and many other activities. The goal is not only to create an attractive education program, but to bring together women from the various fields of IT security research and to foster a collaborative exchange within the community.

The conference program will focus on top-class presentations by leading women scientists in the field of IT security. This will enable participants to gain new insights into the industry, meet role models and establish long-lasting connections with key players* in the scientific community.

Female PhD students and outstanding female students in the field of IT security can register now on the CASA website:

More information on WISC:

General note: In case of using gender-assigning attributes we include all those who consider themselves in this gender regardless of their own biological sex.