
Copyright: HGI, chinnarach

HGI Introduces New Team of Spokespersons

Ghassan Karame is new Spokesperson, Tim Güneysu his deputy

Copyright: HGI, Michael Schwettmann

Copyright: HGI, Michael Schwettmann

The Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security (HGI) is delighted to announce the latest developments in its spokesperson team. In the election, which was held by mid-September, Ghassan Karame was elected as the new spokesperson of the institute, while Tim Güneysu, the former spokesperson, now assumes the role of his deputy. Their term of office covers two years and ends in September 2025.

Expert in Blockchain Security Is New HGI Spokesperson
Since November 2021, Ghassan Karame has been heading the Chair for Information Security at the Faculty of Computer Science at Ruhr University Bochum. Among the research focuses of his international and multicultural research team are Blockchain Security and Privacy, Platform and Storage Security, and Machine Learning Security. Ghassan Karame also serves as a Principal Investigator (PI) within the Cluster of Excellence CASA, and in 2022, he assumed the role of Hub Leader of the Research Hub C, "Secure Systems". Regarding his new role as HGI spokesperson, he states, "I am absolutely thrilled to be stepping into this new role, and I am eager to contribute to the great success and internationalization of HGI“.

Tim Güneysu Remains Part of the Spokesperson Team
As the deputy spokesperson of HGI, Tim Güneysu will play a crucial role in supporting Ghassan Karame. Having previously served as the HGI spokesperson from 2020 to 2023, Tim Güneysu is eager to remain a part of the team despite new responsibilities within the Faculty of Computer Science. He leads the Chair for Security Engineering and, like Ghassan Karame, is a PI within the Cluster of Excellence CASA. In his role, he takes over from Gregor Leander, the previous deputy spokesperson.

Looking Ahead to the Future
HGI is confident that the appointments of Ghassan Karame and Tim Güneysu will drive the institute's research efforts forward and strengthen its position in the field of IT security. The new leadership team will work closely with HGI's staff, representing the institute in both internal and external matters, including its public image and outreach efforts.

General note: In case of using gender-assigning attributes we include all those who consider themselves in this gender regardless of their own biological sex.