
Copyright: HGI, chinnarach

Start-up support: Secure in the cloud

Project for secure data processing platform started in June 2019...

Thomas Tendyck (links) und Dr. Felix Schuster sind die Gründer von Edgeless Compute. Sie werden vom Bundesforschungsministerium gefördert. Copyright: RUB, Kramer 

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research supports startups in the field of cybersecurity with grants of up to 800,000 euros per year.

A new startup-project to develop an innovative platform for high-security data processing started in June 2019 at the HGI at Ruhr University Bochum. As part of the StartUpSecure initiative, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding ‘Edgeless Compute’ with almost half a million euros for an initial year.

Safe Cloud-Computing

The founder team is conducting research in the field of secure and efficient data processing in the age of cloud-computing. It is their aim to develop a highly trustworthy data processing platform. Later on the technology will serve many industries as it gives access to data that is hardly obtainable today. Edgeless Compute enables German and international industry leaders to process data securely while guaranteeing the highest level of privacy to the source of said data.

Funding within two phases

The BMBF supports research teams in the field of it security from the idea stage to the legal foundation of their own company. It does so in two phases. First of all, the so called development phase, allows research teams to work out how research results can be transformed into marketable products or services. Edgeless Compute is the second project funded in phase 1 at Ruhr University Bochum. Earlier on the university spinoff ‘emproof’ was able to position itself on the market on the basis of their project results; in July 2019 it has been rewarded with a second grant in phase 2. It is called the founding phase. According to the BMBF, creative marketing and sales strategies are necessary for a successful company launch.  

Founding Incubator Cube 5: Learn more about Edgeless Compute
Federal Ministry of Education and Research: Project Funding

General note: In case of using gender-assigning attributes we include all those who consider themselves in this gender regardless of their own biological sex.