
Copyright: HGI, chinnarach

SecHuman Winter School 2021

On the topic of "Gender and Diversity in Cybersecurity Research", the first SecHuman Winter School of the second funding period took place from November 22 to 24 in cooperation with the Cluster of Excellence CASA.

Insight into the presentation by Veelasha Moonsamy

Over the three days, an exciting and varied program of keynotes and interactive lectures was offered online via Zoom.

Prof. M. Angela Sasse kicked off the event with a welcome and introductory remarks about her personal experiences on the topic of gender and diversity in research. This was followed by her keynote address entitled "Pride and Prejudice: Why Security Experts Struggle to Connect with Others" with an intensive Q&A session afterwards.

The second part of the first day was organized by the trainers Mona Nielen and Anna Abelein on the topic "7 Steps to Overcome Prejudices and Unconscious Bias in Research Collaboration". The aim of the talk workshop was to become aware of one's own prejudices, to overcome them, but also to make concrete use of them.

Day two was organized by Prof. Christof Paar, who first gave a very open and personal account of his way into science via the second educational path. Christof Paar's input opened a stimulating discussion around possible and diverse paths into science. This was followed by his dynamic keynote focusing on "The Politics and Technology of Backdoors and Trojans".

The final day kicked off with the talk "Blue, Red, Pink Values in IT Development" by Prof. Estrid Sørensen and Solange Martinez Demarco. Other presentations by Dr. des. Mary Shnayien ("Preventing Infections. IT Security and The AIDS Crisis"), Dr. Veelesha Moonsamy ("Security and Privacy of Mobile Devices"), and Prof. Heather Hofmeister ("Making the Most of Interdisciplinary Diversity in Teams") rounded up the SecHuman Winter School before Angela Sasse offered some closing remarks.

The program of this year's Winter School offered exciting discussions and opportunities for scientific exchange on a relevant and so far too little considered topic in the field of cybersecurity.

General note: In case of using gender-assigning attributes we include all those who consider themselves in this gender regardless of their own biological sex.