
Copyright: HGI, chinnarach

Invitation to InSicht.Ruhr Workshop

The second workshop on the topic of "Vision and Goals" will take place on March 4, 2021 via Zoom.

Copyright: InSicht.Ruhr

As part of the first InSicht.Ruhr workshop focusing on "Strengths. Weaknesses. Potentials?", the InSicht.Ruhr project team was able to successfully identify the strengths and weaknesses of the industry together with IT security stakeholders and discuss initial project ideas. The task now is to sort out and concretize the suggestions, innovative ideas and visions for the future of IT security in the Ruhr region.

Therefore, the project team cordially invites all interested parties to the next workshop (via zoom) on 04 March 2021 from 9:30 to 12:30 on the topic "Vision and Goals: IT security as a signpost for the Ruhr region".

The workshop will be about:

  • discussing the vision and goals that InSicht.Ruhr should target in the implementation phase,
  • providing information on eligible projects and funding conditions by the project management organization Jülich, and
  • concretizing project ideas for the implementation phase.

The team asks for registration for the workshop via email to Ms. Krause: krause(at)

General note: In case of using gender-assigning attributes we include all those who consider themselves in this gender regardless of their own biological sex.