
Copyright: HGI, chinnarach

From the USA to Bochum: New junior professorship at the HGI

We have a new HGI-member: Since the beginning of June, Prof. Dr. Nils Fleischhacker has started working as a junior professor for Cryptography...

V. l. n. r.: Prof. Dr. Andreas Ostendorf,
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Nils Fleischhacker und
Prof. Dr. Peter Eichelsbacher

Copyright: RUB, Kramer

We have a new HGI-member: Since the beginning of June, Prof. Dr. Nils Fleischhacker has started working as a junior professor for Cryptography at the Chair for Cryptography of Prof. Dr. Eike Kiltz.

Nils Fleischhacker studied Computer Science at the Technical University of Darmstadt and received his PhD in Computer Science at Saarland University in 2017. Subsequently he worked as a postdoc at the Johns Hopkins University and the Carnegie Mellon University in the USA.

We congratulate and wish him an enjoyable start at the HGI.